Liz Heiman- Beliefs in Selling

What starts out as a discussion of habits in sales, turns into a masterclass on complex B2B sales.

My guest on Conversations With Good Humans is sales consultant and expert Liz Heiman. Liz grew up in selling as her father was co-founder of Miller Heiman. She has created a name for herself with her own firm and generously shares her wisdom in this episode.

Listen for Liz to explain what sales habits she considers to be so basic that she returns to them over and over again. You may just want to copy her!

Mentioned in this episode:
Liz Heiman on LinkedIn
Yoram Stone on LinkedIn
Bill Ganon on LinkedIn
Alan Stein Jr. on Ed Mylett's podcast

Read the transcript

Music composed and arranged by Luke Brown. Find him on TikTok @lukasaftermidnight

Catherine Brown

It is my passion to train others how to refine their sales processes, find new clients and close more business with dignity and confidence.

Bonus Episode 2- Dana Williams


Tuesday Tip 13- A in B.E.A.R. Sales Sequences