Colleen Stanley- Emotional Intelligence in Selling
Colleen Stanley, sales trainer and author of the great book called Emotional Intelligence for Sales Success is our guest for this episode. Colleen's sales training is unique because she focuses specifically on building EQ in sales.
In addition to speaking about emotional intelligence, you'll hear Colleen talk about work/life balance and her opinion might surprise you. Also, Colleen offers a really nice gift for all listeners, so don't miss that toward the end of the episode.
Liz Heiman- Beliefs in Selling
What starts out as a discussion of habits in sales, turns into a masterclass on complex B2B sales.
My guest on Conversations With Good Humans is sales consultant and expert Liz Heiman. Liz grew up in selling as her father was co-founder of Miller Heiman. She has created a name for herself with her own firm and generously shares her wisdom in this episode.
Listen for Liz to explain what sales habits she considers to be so basic that she returns to them over and over again. You may just want to copy her!
Tuesday Tip 13- A in B.E.A.R. Sales Sequences
If you're building the positive beliefs about sales, you're starting to look for ways to put those beliefs into practice by actually doing sales like a good human. What does that look like? In this episode, I share the actual steps I teach my clients. Not only do I teach these steps, I have been using them myself for over 25 years of selling. As you get busy, you'll see how important it is to keep your beliefs in focus every step of the way.
Drew Bird- Emotional Intelligence
Today on Conversations with Good Humans, I'm talking with Drew Bird, emotional intelligence trainer, expert, and the author of the great book that I've read twice called the Leader's Guide to Emotional Intelligence. I hope that it's encouraging as you hear that EQ, for all of us, it isn't something that is fixed. Each of us can grow in the areas that we need to, to relate to humans the way that we want.
Tuesday Tip 12: A and R in BEAR
Sometimes people set goals that are too low because they're not actively practicing thinking about their new identity. They're not moving towards something. Every single human being is capable of taking stock of where they are right now, the results they have in their life.
In this episode, we look at the R and the A in the B.E.A.R. model. We talk about the results we want to have, what we want life to look like. And then we'll start to consider the actions we take to get there.
How to Show Empathy in the Sales Process
Empathy. What does that word really mean?
I wonder how many times you’ve heard the word used and you’ve nodded along but not really grasped what it is or why it matters?
Today on Conversations with Good Humans, I’m talking with some of my friends who are fellow sales trainers about the topic of empathy in sales. This recording captures the best of the discussion from social audio, where we held a live discussion about how to demonstrate empathy while selling.
This podcast episode will help you better understand empathy as an emotional intelligence trait, which, for many, isn’t a very concrete idea.
Tuesday Tip 11- A in B.E.A.R.- Revenue Generating Activities
Entrepreneurs and first time sellers have a lot to manage. In this podcast, I help you determine which activities generate revenue so that your time and resources aren't spent unwisely.
Meg Rentschler- Clarity for Coaching
Mentor, coach, or therapist? Sometimes it's a challenge to know what help is best as you're moving forward. Meg Rentschler, mentor to coaches, professor of coaching at the University of Texas at Dallas, executive coach with her own clients AND podcast host of STaR Coach Show, wears all these hats.
She knows how to talk with people and how to train people to become coaches. I really enjoyed getting some tips on my own coaching calls with clients and I think you will too.
This podcast episode will help you be a better communicator with your own clients. Or, if you're wanting to move into coaching, this episode is for you.
Bonus Episode- How Kevin Freidberg Gets a High Conversion Rate
Our first Bonus Episode! My Podcast Producer, Jolly Dixon, joins me to talk about our big take-aways from Episode 21's conversation with my friend Kevin Freidberg. If you haven't heard that conversation yet, This Cliff's Notes version is a great introduction and you'll get to meet Jolly. Listeners will be inspired by the way Kevin communicates with his prospects and will be inspired to think creatively about their own outreach. Follow Kevin and subscribe to his daily email at his website below.
Tuesday Tip 10- A in B.E.A.R- Action
The A is for Action which is what a lot of salespeople really want to know about. We sometimes believe that if someone just tells us their steps and exactly what to say, we'll be successful. In this episode, you'll learn there's a little more to it than that and you'll be inspired to take action for yourself.
Kevin Freidberg- Lead Generation and Qualifying
Do you struggle with generating leads and then determining if it's good for you to work together? My friend Kevin Freidberg and I met through StoryBrand. He's a Good Human who sells. But the way Kevin qualifies his leads is very different from what I do. I'm so glad to share this interview with you because it's an encouragement that we can sell like Good Humans, in ways that feel comfortable for us, and provide immense value for our prospects.
Tuesday Tip 9 E in BEAR- Emotions
The E in B.E.A.R. stand for emotions. Whether we're aware of it or not, emotions are predictors of what we do in sales. If we interpret feelings as negative, we'll avoid doing the things that make us feel bad. However, in sales, sometimes we feel bad about things we that are necessary for our success. In this episode, I'll show you how I reframe my feelings so that I can do the necessary things that were once outside of my comfort zone. Over time, those sales tasks that once made me feel icky have become more pleasant to do. I want that for you too!
Rick Janezic- Hiring For Sales
Catherine and her fellow Clubhouse moderators, Keith Rozelle, Russ Stalters, and Yoram Stone get to chat with Rick Janezic, founder and CEO of StrikeZone Sales Systems. Rick is a fractional chief revenue officer to companies who sell business to business. He states that a business is only as strong as their sales and his work focuses on consulting and strengthening sales teams to move from good to great.
Tuesday Tip 8- E in BEAR- Priming
Priming is a powerful tool you can begin to use today to change what you do in sales for the better. It is a way to reframe negative beliefs and emotions. In this short Tuesday Tip episode, I'll share with you a scientific study that explains priming and two ways I use priming to sell like a Good Human. It is my hope that after listening to this episode, you'll have concrete ways to try priming for yourself.
Five Steps to Stand Out From the Crowd
I'm doing something a little different in this episode. I got some encouraging feedback about an email I sent this week and I wanted to dig a little deeper into the topic on this platform. It's not a Tuesday Tip and it's not an interview! At the end, you'll have a blueprint for making the following up process easier on you and your clients. If you feel nervous, remind yourself what you REALLY sell: a way to work, live, and serve others better. What you do matters. Don't give up.
Tuesday Tip 7 E in B.E.A.R.- Notice and Name
Have you ever felt physical symptoms before you had to reach out to a potential client? You're in good company. Many salespeople do. However, that feeling may be keeping us from doing the work that brings in revenue. In today's tip, Catherine shares her strategy for overcoming those feelings so that sales work isn't sidelined.
Dana Williams- Selling with Your Strengths
Catherine is talking with Dana Williams, Clifton Strengths coach, and the developer of the Strengths Journal. Dana is equipped to help people understand themselves better so they can be more satisfied at work and be more effective in work.
Tuesday Tips 6 B in B.E.A.R. part 2- Deservingness
The B for Beliefs in the B.E.A.R. model has lots of implications for us in sales. In this episode, we'll talk about what we believe we deserve to enjoy in life and our sales work. It'll get a little philosophical and make you consider what you believe deep down.
Dr Ryan Brown- Fixed vs Growth Mindset
In this episode, I'm talking with Dr. Ryan Brown, managing director for measurement at the Doerr Institute for new leaders at Rice University in Houston, Texas. As a social psychologist, Ryan has a unique perspective on what humans bring to their sales work because Ryan also happens to be my spouse. I like to joke that I have in-house counsel for all things about current psychology research. I am grateful for his influence in shaping my own perspective on how to use modern psychology research to understand how people change so I can help people sell better.