Tuesday Tip 12: A and R in BEAR
Sometimes people set goals that are too low because they're not actively practicing thinking about their new identity. They're not moving towards something. Every single human being is capable of taking stock of where they are right now, the results they have in their life.
In this episode, we look at the R and the A in the B.E.A.R. model. We talk about the results we want to have, what we want life to look like. And then we'll start to consider the actions we take to get there.
Tuesday Tip 5 - The B in B.E.A.R.
B.E.A.R. is an acronym that stands for B for belief, E for emotion, A for action, and R for results.
I learned about it from a podcast host and business coach, Mary Hyatt .
I like to teach about the bear model during sales training, because it's helpful to look and say, "I wonder what I'm believing when I decided to feel a certain way, which then led to certain actions, which lead to certain results?" And you can also reverse engineer it. You can say, "If I don't like the results I have, can I look back and study the actions I took." What was I feeling when I took those actions? And then what might that be telling me about my belief?
Tuesday Tip 4 -Three Words to Avoid
For this Tuesday tip, I'm going to share three words or phrases that I believe should be on the no-no list for us as professional sellers. Now there are more than three, but these are the three that come to my mind as the most common and things that I have to be quite vigilant to avoid because when you hear other people use them, It's so easy to pick them up and they become quite contagious!
I've talked and written a lot about how important it is to be careful with the words we use when talking to ourselves. The phrases and words I'm sharing today will help you better communicate with your clients and prospects.
Tuesday Tip 3 - Rest & White Space
None of us are made to be the Energizer bunny of sales. During this Tuesday Tip, Catherine shares two ways she finds the necessary energy for the work of selling. Although we may sit at a desk most of the day, what we do requires energy!
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Podcast Catherine mentions: https://www.earlytorise.com/etr-radio-2/
Tuesday Tip 2- RGAs
If you struggle to fill your pipeline, this Tuesday Tip may give you what you need to stay on target. Revenue Generating Activities aren't the most fun for everyone, but they're the bedrock of your business success.
Tuesday Tip 1- Your Next Sales Action
Catherine’s First Tuesday Sales Tip episode! As the Guide in sales, you're responsible for your next sales action. The best thing is to be more specific. Catherine shows how that benefits us and our clients.