Tuesday Tip 5 - The B in B.E.A.R.

Episode 12

B.E.A.R. is an acronym that stands for B for belief, E for emotion, A for action, and R for results.

I learned about it from a podcast host and business coach, Mary Hyatt.

I like to teach about the bear model during sales training, because it's helpful to look and say, "I wonder what I'm believing when I decided to feel a certain way, which then led to certain actions, which lead to certain results?" And you can also reverse engineer it. You can say, "If I don't like the results I have, can I look back and study the actions I took." What was I feeling when I took those actions? And then what might that be telling me about my belief?

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Music composed and arranged by Luke Brown. Find him on TikTok @lukasaftermidnight
Catherine Brown

It is my passion to train others how to refine their sales processes, find new clients and close more business with dignity and confidence.


Dr Ryan Brown- Fixed vs Growth Mindset


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